Generally yes and it can be a good combination of treatments. You can alternate the treatments every 3 weeks. For example you can have Mesotherapy treatment first, then 3 weeks later a skin peel treatment, then after 3 weeks of the skin peel you can have your next Dermapen treatment.

Mesotherapy from £199*
Mesotherapy is an innovative technique for rejuvenating the skin and improving the skin’s health and appearance.
The aim of Mesotherapy is to revitalize and tighten the skin by injecting vitamins, enzymes, and hormones and other skin nutrients into the deeper layers of the skin.
The injection is administered to the area needing to be improved. This is an incredibly effective technique in aesthetic medicine because it works on layers of skin, which are barely penetrated by other non-invasive treatments.
The Mesotherapy technique was developed in 1952 by a French doctor named Michel Pistor. It was originally used to relieve pain. Throughout the years, its popularity grew in the USA and other parts of the world. Nowadays, it can be used to get rid of fat , soften wrinkles and lines, tighten the skin, contour the body, lighten pigmented skin and treat alopecia (hair loss) for instance.
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Treatment Now!
How does Mesotherapy work?
Mesotherapy involves a series of injections delivered with very fine needles into the middle layer (mesoderm) of the skin. The idea behind mesotherapy is that it corrects underlying issues like poor circulation and inflammation that cause skin damage.
As a result of the whole treatment, collagen production will increase and skin cells will be repaired. This natural method will also increase elastin in the skin after the course of treatment is completed, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and so on. Further treatments will only yield greater results as you see the physical issues diminish.
Other areas that Mesotherapy is good for are as follows.
- Hyperpigmentation
- Rosacea
- Removal of fats
- Flushes out toxins
- Fine lines
- Freckles
- Wrinkles
- And much, much more..
To find out more call us now for a free consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions
We can tell you all of the benefits of Dermapen but our clients and case studies talk for themselves. We have a 5 star rating as a beauty skin clinic and only qualified and very experienced technicians will perform the treatments.
Will Mesotherapy reduce wrinkles? Will Mesotherapy flush out toxins? Will Mesotherapy give me radiant skin? etc. We are happy to answer all your questions in a free consultation
When it comes to how long the results typically last, it varies from person to person and depends on how often the treatment is administered. The effects of repeated treatments will be more noticeable though. Every time you have the cocktail of nutrients. the better your skin will become. Expect the moisturising effect and general radiance to last anywhere between three and four months on average. It is a slow burn, but the more you do it, the healthier and thicker your dermis gets, with resulting improvement in fine lines.
Healthy collagen lasts more than five years, but as we age, we have to deal with the aging process as well. The skin can really be preserved by mesotherapy. You would definitely see improvement in your skin over time if you had mesotherapy two or three times a year. Those who have never had the treatment and want good skin right away can have three treatments a month apart, followed by maintenance after three to six months.
Rejuvenation: 4-6 treatments 4-6 weeks apart
Acne scarring: 6 treatments 6 weeks apart
Stretch marks: 4-8 treatments 4-6 weeks apart
For optimal results we recommend a period of effective active treatment creams such as Vitamin A, C or Resveratrol & Procyanidin to allow the skin’s strength to build-up (especially for thin or delicate skin areas). Continue to use these recommended solutions after the treatments for a period of 6 weeks.
Typically, you will see results after the first treatment. Lasting and more significant results will occur after 4 to 6 treatments (spaced 4-6 weeks apart). Your skin will continue to improve after a course of treatment, and will be further enhanced when combined with the recommended post treatment care.
There are two types of DMost clients report having no pain during the process of mesotherapy. Nevertheless, some do experience a mild degree of discomfort. However, the possibility of pain and discomfort is minimised by using an extremely fine needle in addition to the application of numbing cream when necessary. minimise this effect.
Since mesotherapy is noninvasive, there is typically no downtime. Generally, after treatment people are able to resume their regular activities immediately. However, some people may experience slight swelling or tenderness where the injection was made. Application of Lycogel, a breathable camouflage will seal the skin and cover any redness for an immediate return to work.
Day 1: Erythema and redness, the severity of which will depend upon the aggressiveness of the performed treatment.
Day 2: Red or pink hue similar to moderate sunburn may persist. There may be some noticeable swelling on the second day
Day 3: Skin may still retain a pink hue, or return to normal colour. Swelling subsides.
A course of 4-8 treatments of Mesotherapy per year, on average. Mesotherapy results are long lasting; it is not like a treatment where it must be ongoing.
It’s recommended to leave at least 4 days after filler injections so that any post treatment bruising from the fillers can settle. Or have your Mesotherapy treatment 1-2 days before having fillers injected.
Clients who have had Botox treatments should ideally wait 2 weeks either side of having Mesotherapy treatment.
Injections are not a part of Mesotherapy treatment, so allergic reactions and side-effects are unlikely to occur. The procedure is minimally invasive, which means that there is virtually no downtime and the healing process is quick. Aftercare is also very simple and can be fully administered at home.
Side effects experienced with Mesotherapy will usually subside within 48 hours. They include erythema, stinging, itching and tightness of the skin.
Yes, absolutely normal. Some people just get red and dry skin, others get quite flaky dry and red skin, others tend to break out in lots of lumps like pimples but they disappear in 3 days. So yes, it is normal and is just the body purging itself of toxins.
Not IPL rejuvenation. The client would get scar tissue from a double wound healing response. They could treat pigmentation, but this is not necessary when the Mesotherapy provides the versatility. Use 4-week intervals if absolutely necessary.
Again this is fine to use but it is best to let the skin heal for a week or 2 or it will be more sensitive. It shouldn’t be a problem but the pain levels experienced during the treatment may be greater. This depends of course on the electrolysis practitioner because some tend to cause more damage to the skin and therefore require more healing time.
Mesotherapy Before and After