DesoFace and DesoBody
DesoFace and DesoBody from £199*
Deso face and Deso body fat dissolving injections are the latest way to get back to a more desirable shapely you. Deso face is great for getting rid of excess fat on the face and more commonly on the chin – ‘double chin’. Whereas, Deso body is perfect for removing fat around inner thighs, back, saddle bags, abdomen, arms, knees, top of the back, flanks and lipomas. The injections liquefy the fat in the area being targeted, the dissolved fat flows into the lymphatic system, where it is simply removed from the body. Whether it’s inch loss, body contouring or losing those extra few inches, then Transform Health and Beauty Clinic is worth a visit.
Call Us to Book Your DesoFace and DesoBody
Treatment Now!
How Deso face and Deso body injections work?
Deso face and Deso body are the next generation in injectable ‘fat dissolvers’, treating localised pockets of fat. The treatment contains an active ingredient called Sodium Deoxycholate. The fat dissolving injection is injected into the fat with a needle. As mentioned previously the fat is then dissolved, so that it can be removed from the body through the lymphatic system. The ingredients in the injection can take time to work in the tissue area and therefore the process of breaking down the fat can take a few weeks before you start to see the desired results and a more defined you.
Where can Deso face and Deso body injections be applied in the body?
Wherever you have stubborn fat, Deso body or Deso face (depending on the area) can be used. Double chins, stomach fat, muffin tops, bingo wings and fat thighs are just a few examples of the types of excess fat that can be removed.
Pre-Treatment information
Before you have your treatment, take advantage of a free consultancy session with a fully trained professional at Transform Health and Beauty Clinic. It is also important that you don’t take any anti-inflammatory medication at least a week beforehand, as this can have side effects, but again this can all be discussed at your consultation.
Aftercare treatment information
It is best not to do any strenuous exercise for at least 4 weeks following your treatment and it is important that you don’t apply any cosmetics to the area for at least 24 hours. Finally, you must be careful not to subject your body to any extremes of temperature for a duration of time, this time may vary depending on the area of the body that has been treated.
So why not book a consultation at Transform Health and Beauty Clinic, so that you can get your desired shape just in time for your next holiday or special occasion.